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Useful Information and ParentMail

Parentmail - a one stop app improving the way we communicate with parents.

Parentmail allows parents to receive email and messages, make payments for school lunches, trips, and extra-curricular activities,  book parents evening slots, give notification of attendance to workshops and meetings, and allows you to give consent for your child/children attending various events outside of school, all  through one application.

The easiest way to use ParentMail is through their mobile app, available to download via the Apple App Store and Google Playstore – simply search for Parentmail and download it free of charge.

Inclement Weather

Springcroft aims to stay open whenever possible.

In the event of adverse weather, the school will endeavour to stay open. However, consideration will be given to:

  • State of pathways, steps, slopes around school
  • Condition of roads and pathways in local area
  • Whether school heating, lighting, water is operation and working correctly
  • Whether catering can be provided
  • Weather forecast

Depending on the severity of conditions, some activities and services may be restricted. Further details of this can be found in our inclement weather policy which can be downloaded below.

The site supervisor will inform the Headteacher of any problems when he opens the school site at 6:30am. Whilst Springcroft will endeavour to stay open whenever possible, staff and parents will be informed via the school’s communication service (ParentMail) of any problems that will stop the school opening by 7am. If no message it received by 7am, parents, carers and staff should follow normal procedures.

On the 22nd January 2025, the DfE blogsite published a blog: Do schools close because of bad weather? Everything parents need to know.